The Celebration of the 800th Aniversary of the sealing of Magna Carta was
launched on Friday, November 12, 2010 on the field of Runnymede.**
Celebrating the Magna Carta **
Clive Coleman reports on the importance of the Magna Carta almost 800 years
after it was signed.
Audio Interview Sir Robert Worcester & Lewis L. Neilson, Jr.
We are pleased that BBC has shared 4 video news clips and 1 audio clip
taken live at Runnymede the day of the launch (double click on the image for
full screen):
Interview with Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. (2.59 min) 9:54AM
Interview with Sir Robert Worcester (3.42 min) 10:40AM
Overview of the Procession (3.58 min) 11:43AM
Video of the
One O'Clock News (2.44 min) 1:23PM
Audio of
Sir Robert Worcester & Lewis L. Neilson Jr. (interview above)
The entire Launch Celebration can be viewed at
this link (34 minutes) unedited (click on the small triangle to start
and then double click on the image for full screen)
The events "Towards the 800th Anniversary of Magna
Carta - 15 June 2015" were launched beginning with a procession at
11:30 am at the Magna Carta Memorial, and included the following:
11:30 AM Sounding the Advance Officers on Parade
- Buglers of 7th Rifles TA
Welcome - Rt Hon Lord Neuberger of
Abbotsbury Master of the Rolls
Prayer of Thanksgiving - Rt Rev Robert
Willis Dean of Canterbury
The Constitutional Relevance of Magna Carta in the
21st Century - The Rt Hon Kenneth Clarke QC MP The Lord Chancellor
Magna Carta and human rights in the 21st Century
- Lord McNally Minister of State for Justice and Deputy Leader of the House
of Lords
The relevance of Magna Carta in the 21st Century to
the rest of the world - Mrs. Alice Richmond Treasurer of the American
Bar Association
12:15 PM Bugle fanfare & recession -
Buglers of 7th Rifles TA
Additional Information: The evening before the launch, a reception was
held at the House of Lords including the Lord Speaker, Baroness Hayman, and
the Speaker of the House of Commons, Rt Hon John Bercow MP. Mr. Bercow's
remarks are included at this
link (2 minutes). Baroness Hayman concluded the evening with thanks to
Sir Robert Worcester for his efforts
link (22 seconds). Baroness Hayman had previously welcomed the launch of
the 800th Anniversary, however, I had not set up the camera quickly enough
to preserve those remarks. I am hoping for an addtional opportunity in the
near furure.
Following the launch at Runnymede, a luncheon was held at Royal
Holloway College. The reception preceeding the luncheon included a
presentation by the Choir
link (7 min). Portions of he luncheon are included at this
link (10 min).
A Presentation is included by John Pullinger, Librarian and Director
General Information Services, House of Commons:
(12 min)
A Presentation is included by Roberta Shaffer, Law Librarian of Congress,
recorded April 14, 2011 explaining plans for the Celebration
Link to Brochure for 1934 Pageant