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 Our efforts involve Education and History Especially Involving  Our Ancestors. The Magna Charta Barons, the leaders especially those identified as Kings or Queens, those with accomplishments during the life of George Washington; these are worthy of recognition. Their achievements benefit all!

Remember To Respect the Accomplishments of Our Ancestors as our Descendants May Respect Ours

There are several initial questions: 
Why Join A Lineage Society?
How to Join a Lineage Society?
What the Lineage Societies Are Doing?
The taps provide ways to find the pages for the Barons, the Immigrant Ancestors we are familiar with (including some of their distinguished ancestors); ways to order sypplies and especially media, including video and transcribed text.

We hope you enjoy our Site.

Index Of Immigrant Ancestor Names

Index Of Surety and Non Surety  Barons Issue Page

Link To Barons with Descendants

Magna Charta Baron Page
Hugh Bigod
The Earl of Norfolk's Heir

Bigod Shield


WURTS’ MAGNA CHARTA provided a brief accounting of the feudal headquarters of some of the Magna Charta Barons. Some of the castles have been badly damaged. Some have disappeared entirely. Often we can learn of them through Medieval and Renaissance accounts, and some of them require the discerning eye of the archeologist. Others await the evidence brought out with a shovel and pick, by the trained archeological historian.

A portion of the information concerning Surety Baron HUGH BIGOD is as follows:

HUGH BIGOD, son of Surety Roger Bigod and himself a Surety was third Earl of Norfolk and Suffolk, and heir to his father's estates and honors, to which he had succeeded in the 5th of King Henry III He died four years later, in February 1224/5, having married about 1212 Maud, a sister of the Surety William Marshall, and eldest daughter of William Marshall, the Protector. In her right Hugh acquired the Earldom of Pembroke, in which rank William Marshall bore the Royal Sceptre at the Coronation of King Richard I.

Please refer to the Page for Surety Baron Roger Bigod for more information concerning the Bigod family.

Appreciation is expressed to Reed M. W. Wurts, one of the Heralds of the Society for furnishing the Baron’s Shield on this page.

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